From September 2024
Under new government plans, every child is entitled to 15hours of funded sessions from the term after they turn 2 providing both parents work a minimum of 16 hours per week. The 30 hours funding for 3 year olds is available subject to availability and also both parents working a minimum of 16 hours per week. We have a limited number of spaces for children eligible for 30-hour funding and cannot guarantee a 30-hour space will be available as soon as your child becomes eligible. If your child is given a funded place, then an invoice will be issued for snack and PE only.
The 15-hour funding for your child starts the term after they turn 2. Dates relating to this are 31st March, 31st August and 31st December. Please contact us if you are unsure of when your child will receive this funding.
All you need to do is register your child with us. For 2 year olds you will need to apply for a funding code for your 15hours and for 30 hours of funding for 3 and 4 years olds you will also be required to apply for a funding code via the .Gov website and ensure this is kept up to date and valid. This code will need to be added to your funding paperwork once we have distributed this.
If your child does more than your funded entitlement or is 2 years old and you do not work more than 16 hours per week you will have to pay for each session attended. The cost for each session is, 2year olds not eligible for funding and unfunded 3year olds £20.50, Funded 3- and 4-year-olds for any sessions over your funded 15 hours £18.50 per session (this includes a £1.00 per session snack contribution). These prices are subject to review annually. The pre-school committee set the session costs and they are reviewed every 6 months. The committee do everything possible to keep this rate to a minimum
From September 2025
From September 2025 two, three and four years olds will be entitled to 30 hours of Early Education Funding providing both parents work a minimum of 16 hours per week. At our preschool the maximum we offer is 27 hours per week as we are closed on a Friday afternoon. Please be aware we cannot guarantee 27 hours as soon as your child becomes eligible, it is subject to availability. For those children of non-working parents’ fees will apply. Please see above.
You will be invoiced at the start of each half term and payment can be made by bank payment or cash either weekly, monthly or termly. Full payment must be made by the date stipulated on the termly invoice. We can not offer credit facilities. Should the fees get into arrears, a letter will be sent explaining that if the situation is not rectified within one week, then the child’s place may be taken by another child on our waiting list. If you are in financial difficulty please talk to Maria Dix in confidence.
Fees continue to be payable whenever a child is absent from preschool, whether it be for unexpected illness or a planned holiday.
Snack is served both in the morning and afternoon session. We offer a selection of fruit, vegetables, dairy and carbohydrates for snack along with fresh ice cold milk and water